Racing board

  • Check Mark Standard model available
  • Check Mark Customized models to be discussed
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  • Material: EPS, fiberglass,resin and carbon
  • Top: 2Xcarbon standing 45/45
  •        High density PVC foam
  •        Plain weave glass: 0/90
  • Rail: 3X carbon standing 45/45
  •        Plain weave glass 0/90
  •        High density PVC foam
  •        Plain weave glass 0/90
  •        Precise cut EPS light weight core-25
  • Bottom:  Plain weave glass 0/90
  •                High density PVC foam
  •                Plain weave glass 0/90
  •                Precise cut EPS light weight core -25
  • Size: 14’x21.5”x8.3”   240L
  • Weight: 10.7kg
  • Max load: 70kg
  • One foot off tail: 13.5”
  • One foot off nose: 9”
  • Single US box
  • Fins: 8.3′